Trait core::cmp::PartialEq
pub trait PartialEq<Rhs: ?Sized = Self> { fn eq(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool; fn ne(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool { ... } }
Trait for equality comparisons which are partial equivalence relations.
This trait allows for partial equality, for types that do not have a full
equivalence relation. For example, in floating point numbers NaN != NaN
so floating point types implement PartialEq
but not Eq
Formally, the equality must be (for all a
, b
and c
- symmetric:
a == b
impliesb == a
; and - transitive:
a == b
andb == c
impliesa == c
Note that these requirements mean that the trait itself must be implemented
symmetrically and transitively: if T: PartialEq<U>
and U: PartialEq<V>
then U: PartialEq<T>
and T: PartialEq<V>
PartialEq only requires the eq
method to be implemented; ne
is defined
in terms of it by default. Any manual implementation of ne
must respect
the rule that eq
is a strict inverse of ne
; that is, !(a == b)
if and
only if a != b
This trait can be used with #[derive]
fn main() { let x: u32 = 0; let y: u32 = 1; assert_eq!(x == y, false); assert_eq!(x.eq(&y), false); }let x: u32 = 0; let y: u32 = 1; assert_eq!(x == y, false); assert_eq!(x.eq(&y), false);
Required Methods
fn eq(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool
This method tests for self
and other
values to be equal, and is used
by ==
Provided Methods
fn ne(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool
This method tests for !=
impl PartialEq for ParseFloatError
impl<T: PartialEq> PartialEq for Wrapping<T>
impl PartialEq for FpCategory
impl PartialEq for ParseIntError
impl<T: PartialEq + Zeroable> PartialEq for NonZero<T>
impl<T: ?Sized> PartialEq for *const T
impl<T: ?Sized> PartialEq for *mut T
impl<Ret> PartialEq for fn() -> Ret
impl<Ret> PartialEq for extern "C" fn() -> Ret
impl<Ret> PartialEq for unsafe fn() -> Ret
impl<Ret> PartialEq for unsafe extern "C" fn() -> Ret
impl<Ret, A> PartialEq for fn(A) -> Ret
impl<Ret, A> PartialEq for extern "C" fn(A) -> Ret
impl<Ret, A> PartialEq for unsafe fn(A) -> Ret
impl<Ret, A> PartialEq for unsafe extern "C" fn(A) -> Ret
impl<Ret, A, B> PartialEq for fn(A, B) -> Ret
impl<Ret, A, B> PartialEq for extern "C" fn(A, B) -> Ret
impl<Ret, A, B> PartialEq for unsafe fn(A, B) -> Ret
impl<Ret, A, B> PartialEq for unsafe extern "C" fn(A, B) -> Ret
impl<Ret, A, B, C> PartialEq for fn(A, B, C) -> Ret
impl<Ret, A, B, C> PartialEq for extern "C" fn(A, B, C) -> Ret
impl<Ret, A, B, C> PartialEq for unsafe fn(A, B, C) -> Ret
impl<Ret, A, B, C> PartialEq for unsafe extern "C" fn(A, B, C) -> Ret
impl<Ret, A, B, C, D> PartialEq for fn(A, B, C, D) -> Ret
impl<Ret, A, B, C, D> PartialEq for extern "C" fn(A, B, C, D) -> Ret
impl<Ret, A, B, C, D> PartialEq for unsafe fn(A, B, C, D) -> Ret
impl<Ret, A, B, C, D> PartialEq for unsafe extern "C" fn(A, B, C, D) -> Ret
impl<Ret, A, B, C, D, E> PartialEq for fn(A, B, C, D, E) -> Ret
impl<Ret, A, B, C, D, E> PartialEq for extern "C" fn(A, B, C, D, E) -> Ret
impl<Ret, A, B, C, D, E> PartialEq for unsafe fn(A, B, C, D, E) -> Ret
impl<Ret, A, B, C, D, E> PartialEq for unsafe extern "C" fn(A, B, C, D, E) -> Ret
impl<Ret, A, B, C, D, E, F> PartialEq for fn(A, B, C, D, E, F) -> Ret
impl<Ret, A, B, C, D, E, F> PartialEq for extern "C" fn(A, B, C, D, E, F) -> Ret
impl<Ret, A, B, C, D, E, F> PartialEq for unsafe fn(A, B, C, D, E, F) -> Ret
impl<Ret, A, B, C, D, E, F> PartialEq for unsafe extern "C" fn(A, B, C, D, E, F) -> Ret
impl<Ret, A, B, C, D, E, F, G> PartialEq for fn(A, B, C, D, E, F, G) -> Ret
impl<Ret, A, B, C, D, E, F, G> PartialEq for extern "C" fn(A, B, C, D, E, F, G) -> Ret
impl<Ret, A, B, C, D, E, F, G> PartialEq for unsafe fn(A, B, C, D, E, F, G) -> Ret
impl<Ret, A, B, C, D, E, F, G> PartialEq for unsafe extern "C" fn(A, B, C, D, E, F, G) -> Ret
impl<Ret, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H> PartialEq for fn(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H) -> Ret
impl<Ret, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H> PartialEq for extern "C" fn(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H) -> Ret
impl<Ret, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H> PartialEq for unsafe fn(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H) -> Ret
impl<Ret, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H> PartialEq for unsafe extern "C" fn(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H) -> Ret
impl<Ret, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I> PartialEq for fn(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I) -> Ret
impl<Ret, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I> PartialEq for extern "C" fn(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I) -> Ret
impl<Ret, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I> PartialEq for unsafe fn(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I) -> Ret
impl<Ret, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I> PartialEq for unsafe extern "C" fn(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I) -> Ret
impl<Ret, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J> PartialEq for fn(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J) -> Ret
impl<Ret, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J> PartialEq for extern "C" fn(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J) -> Ret
impl<Ret, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J> PartialEq for unsafe fn(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J) -> Ret
impl<Ret, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J> PartialEq for unsafe extern "C" fn(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J) -> Ret
impl<Ret, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K> PartialEq for fn(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K) -> Ret
impl<Ret, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K> PartialEq for extern "C" fn(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K) -> Ret
impl<Ret, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K> PartialEq for unsafe fn(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K) -> Ret
impl<Ret, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K> PartialEq for unsafe extern "C" fn(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K) -> Ret
impl<Ret, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L> PartialEq for fn(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L) -> Ret
impl<Ret, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L> PartialEq for extern "C" fn(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L) -> Ret
impl<Ret, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L> PartialEq for unsafe fn(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L) -> Ret
impl<Ret, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L> PartialEq for unsafe extern "C" fn(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L) -> Ret
impl<T: ?Sized> PartialEq for PhantomData<T>
impl PartialEq for RangeFull
impl<Idx: PartialEq> PartialEq for Range<Idx>
impl<Idx: PartialEq> PartialEq for RangeFrom<Idx>
impl<Idx: PartialEq> PartialEq for RangeTo<Idx>
impl<Idx: PartialEq> PartialEq for RangeInclusive<Idx>
impl<Idx: PartialEq> PartialEq for RangeToInclusive<Idx>
impl PartialEq for ()
impl PartialEq for bool
impl PartialEq for char
impl PartialEq for usize
impl PartialEq for u8
impl PartialEq for u16
impl PartialEq for u32
impl PartialEq for u64
impl PartialEq for isize
impl PartialEq for i8
impl PartialEq for i16
impl PartialEq for i32
impl PartialEq for i64
impl PartialEq for f32
impl PartialEq for f64
impl<'a, 'b, A: ?Sized, B: ?Sized> PartialEq for &'a A where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: ?Sized, B: ?Sized> PartialEq for &'a mut A where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: ?Sized, B: ?Sized> PartialEq for &'a A where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: ?Sized, B: ?Sized> PartialEq for &'a mut A where A: PartialEq<B>
impl PartialEq for Ordering
impl PartialEq for TypeId
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 0] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 0] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 0] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for &'b [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 0] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for &'b mut [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 1] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 1] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 1] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for &'b [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 1] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for &'b mut [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 2] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 2] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 2] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for &'b [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 2] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for &'b mut [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 3] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 3] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 3] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for &'b [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 3] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for &'b mut [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 4] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 4] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 4] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for &'b [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 4] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for &'b mut [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 5] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 5] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 5] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for &'b [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 5] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for &'b mut [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 6] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 6] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 6] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for &'b [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 6] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for &'b mut [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 7] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 7] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 7] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for &'b [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 7] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for &'b mut [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 8] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 8] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 8] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for &'b [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 8] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for &'b mut [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 9] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 9] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 9] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for &'b [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 9] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for &'b mut [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 10] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 10] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 10] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for &'b [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 10] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for &'b mut [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 11] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 11] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 11] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for &'b [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 11] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for &'b mut [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 12] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 12] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 12] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for &'b [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 12] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for &'b mut [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 13] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 13] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 13] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for &'b [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 13] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for &'b mut [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 14] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 14] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 14] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for &'b [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 14] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for &'b mut [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 15] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 15] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 15] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for &'b [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 15] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for &'b mut [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 16] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 16] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 16] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for &'b [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 16] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for &'b mut [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 17] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 17] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 17] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for &'b [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 17] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for &'b mut [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 18] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 18] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 18] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for &'b [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 18] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for &'b mut [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 19] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 19] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 19] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for &'b [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 19] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for &'b mut [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 20] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 20] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 20] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for &'b [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 20] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for &'b mut [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 21] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 21] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 21] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for &'b [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 21] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for &'b mut [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 22] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 22] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 22] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for &'b [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 22] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for &'b mut [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 23] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 23] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 23] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for &'b [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 23] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for &'b mut [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 24] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 24] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 24] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for &'b [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 24] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for &'b mut [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 25] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 25] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 25] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for &'b [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 25] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for &'b mut [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 26] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 26] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 26] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for &'b [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 26] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for &'b mut [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 27] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 27] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 27] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for &'b [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 27] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for &'b mut [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 28] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 28] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 28] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for &'b [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 28] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for &'b mut [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 29] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 29] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 29] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for &'b [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 29] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for &'b mut [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 30] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 30] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 30] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for &'b [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 30] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for &'b mut [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 31] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 31] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 31] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for &'b [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 31] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for &'b mut [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 32] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 32] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 32] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for &'b [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for [A; 32] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl<'a, 'b, A: Sized, B> PartialEq for &'b mut [B] where B: PartialEq<A>
impl<T: PartialEq + Copy> PartialEq for Cell<T>
impl PartialEq for BorrowState
impl<T: ?Sized + PartialEq> PartialEq for RefCell<T>
impl<T: PartialEq> PartialEq for Option<T>
impl<T: PartialEq, E: PartialEq> PartialEq for Result<T, E>
impl<A, B> PartialEq for [A] where A: PartialEq<B>
impl PartialEq for SearchStep
impl PartialEq for str
impl PartialEq for ParseBoolError
impl PartialEq for Utf8Error
impl PartialEq for Error
impl<A: PartialEq> PartialEq for (A,)
impl<A: PartialEq, B: PartialEq> PartialEq for (A, B)
impl<A: PartialEq, B: PartialEq, C: PartialEq> PartialEq for (A, B, C)
impl<A: PartialEq, B: PartialEq, C: PartialEq, D: PartialEq> PartialEq for (A, B, C, D)
impl<A: PartialEq, B: PartialEq, C: PartialEq, D: PartialEq, E: PartialEq> PartialEq for (A, B, C, D, E)
impl<A: PartialEq, B: PartialEq, C: PartialEq, D: PartialEq, E: PartialEq, F: PartialEq> PartialEq for (A, B, C, D, E, F)
impl<A: PartialEq, B: PartialEq, C: PartialEq, D: PartialEq, E: PartialEq, F: PartialEq, G: PartialEq> PartialEq for (A, B, C, D, E, F, G)
impl<A: PartialEq, B: PartialEq, C: PartialEq, D: PartialEq, E: PartialEq, F: PartialEq, G: PartialEq, H: PartialEq> PartialEq for (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H)
impl<A: PartialEq, B: PartialEq, C: PartialEq, D: PartialEq, E: PartialEq, F: PartialEq, G: PartialEq, H: PartialEq, I: PartialEq> PartialEq for (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I)
impl<A: PartialEq, B: PartialEq, C: PartialEq, D: PartialEq, E: PartialEq, F: PartialEq, G: PartialEq, H: PartialEq, I: PartialEq, J: PartialEq> PartialEq for (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J)
impl<A: PartialEq, B: PartialEq, C: PartialEq, D: PartialEq, E: PartialEq, F: PartialEq, G: PartialEq, H: PartialEq, I: PartialEq, J: PartialEq, K: PartialEq> PartialEq for (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K)
impl<A: PartialEq, B: PartialEq, C: PartialEq, D: PartialEq, E: PartialEq, F: PartialEq, G: PartialEq, H: PartialEq, I: PartialEq, J: PartialEq, K: PartialEq, L: PartialEq> PartialEq for (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L)